Come noto LA GLOBAL WARMING CATASTROPHE e’ l’ipotesi che nel periodo 2050-2100 si potrebbe giungere a una catastrofe climatica irreversibile. Secondo uno studio dell’ONU (1, NDR Da notare che molte previsioni precedenti dell’ONU sul clima si sono dimostrate largamente errate! (2)) occorrerebbe prendere drastici provvedimenti ambientali entro il 2030. In pratica secondo le stime di (1) occorrerebbe ridurre la produzione annua di anidride carbonica per circa 1.4 miliardi di tonnellate ricorrendo, in una prima fase all’uso di gas naturale al posto del petrolio e del carbone.
Tuttavia il 41% degli scienziati del clima non crede semplicemente all’esistenza stessa della LA GLOBAL WARMING CATASTROPHE! (3)
E’ noto che, secondo le previsioni astronomiche, la Terra dovrebbe attraversare nei prossimi anni un periodo di moderato raffreddamento globale. La questione e’ se questa fase ciclica di raffreddamento del clima globale e’ gia iniziata o meno.
Alcuni segni sembrerebbero indicarlo. Ecco cosa dice in proposito un articolo di LifesiteNews (4).
“Here are some facts they (NDR the greenies, ovvero gli “estremisti del clima“) don’t talk about:
- That extreme cold has hit the South Pole this month.
- That the South Pole had record cold temperatures in the six-month winter of 2020–2021.
- That 2022 was a relatively mild hurricane period, just like the ten years after Hurricane Katrina hit.
- That we had extreme cold weather in the U.S. this month along with record snow in the Northeast.
- That the Arctic ice caps have been expanding the last ten years, contrary to predictions that the ice would be gone by now.
- That the coral reef off Australia is growing with a vengeance.
- That wildfires were down 80 percent from the last five-year average.
- After 150 years of exponential growth of crude oil and coal use, and rapid growth in the population and all the other components we are told cause warming, the dire predictions have all been false.
- The temperature is up only one to two degrees after a Little Ice Age ended in 1860, and the Earth now has a temperature similar to over 1,000 years ago in the Medieval Warming Period.
Extreme cold records continue to tumble at the South Pole. Three recent days – November 16, 17, and 18 – have exhibited a daily record, with the latter plunging to -45.2°C (-49.36°F), compared with -44.7°C (-48.46°F) on the same day in 1987. The records follow the six-month winter of 2020–21, which was the coldest since records began in 1957. Inexplicably, all these facts and trends have escaped reporting in the mainstream media.
In fact, anything getting colder barely gets a look-in these days. Arctic sea ice is making a significant, near silent comeback. Summer ice at the end of September covered 4.92 million square kilometers, which was 1.35 million sq. kms higher than the 2012 low. Over on land, the Greenland ice sheet may have increased in size over the last year to August 2022. Meanwhile, the zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford has reported that this is the fifth year out of the last seven that enough sea ice has formed along the west coast of Hudson Bay by mid-November for hunting polar bears to be able to head out to the ice, “just as it did in the 1980s”
READ: Rich countries must spend $2 trillion per year for ‘climate justice’: UN report
Of course, it has been a very bad year for climate catastrophists all round. Coral is growing on the Great Barrier Reef with a vengeance, just a few years after journalists and their ‘experts’ warned it was likely to disappear. According to the latest satellite data, the global temperature hasn’t moved for over eight years. A little extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has led to significant “greening” of the planet, a process that over the last 30 years has undoubtedly reduced world hunger and famine.
So, what did all these greenies come up with as the solution to control the climate?
They decided that richer, developed countries should have a slush fund where they confiscate trillions from taxpayers to give to corrupt third-world politicians and dictators who have decided over the years to keep their citizens poor by not using natural resources.”