The solemn pronouncement of John Paul II in his ENCYCLICAL LETTER ECCLESIA DE EUCHARISTIA (1) is wellknown:
“since ” the Roman Pontiff, as the successor of Peter, is the perpetual and visible principle and foundation of the unity of both the Bishops and the multitude of the faithful “, communion with him is an intrinsic requirement of the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice.“
and also that:
“Every valid celebration of the Eucharist expresses this universal communion with Peter and with the whole Church, or objectively recalls it, as in the case of the Christian Churches separated from Rome.”
This is undoubtedly a very important statement of GP2.
However, this same statement is also used by the UNA CUM to support the opposite thesis, that is, according to them, it is necessary to celebrate UNA CUM Bergoglio!
However, the true rational contradiction arises from the fact that Bergoglio is certainly antichrist! (2)
Just as is anyone who changes, and therefore denies, the word of Christ.
In fact, since God is truth (Jesus Christ’s last answer to Pilate), it follows with certainty – based on the principle of non-contradiction – that Bergoglio cannot be pope!
It is therefore ALSO an incurable contradiction faced by UNA CUM!
After all, the same conclusion can be reached both with faith (we cannot obey Satan!) and many other well-known considerations (including the provisions in force in 2013 of the code of canon law, the Gospel, many conciliar provisions, papal bulls, etc.).
Therefore, reason and faith always get along (when reason is duly educated, that is! (3)).