Continuous prayer, asked by Jesus Crist to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna, and achieved through the prayer of the Rosary recited individually by the participants in the chain!
Rosary of Glory, Offering of Life (the prayer recommended by the BVM to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus (St. Gaspar del Bufalo (2)), Consecration to the Sacred Head of Jesus (communicated by Jesus Christ to the servant of God Teresa Helena Higginson (3)), the prayer of the armour (4) and Litaniae Lauretanae.
For the Chain of Prayer of the Piccolo Resto (the Small Remnant), the Crusade of Prayer of the Virgin of Revelation (Bruno Cornacchiola) and the daily invocation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Let us pray to St. Michael the Archangel, our protector angel during the battle, so that he will defend us at any time of the day (including night dreams) and present our intentions himself to the Holy Trinity!
We invoke You, Virgin of Revelation, so that, despite our imperfections, our prayer becomes effective thanks to your merciful intercession! Confident in your promises of salvation in the prayers you taught us. Sure of your help in reciting them. We are certain that you yourself want to intercede for us and our loved ones at the Holy Trinity.
We pray to you Mother of God and Our Mother, as you ask us, with your Prayer Chain and especially:
– for the conversion of the hearts of Christians confused by false teachers, so that, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, they can discern clearly.
In addition, we pray that you may guide and inspire us so that every day:
– let us exalt Jesus Christ, starting with his passion and resurrection
– let us spread the word of Christ in every circumstance, opportunely and importunely
– let us pray for the spread of faith in him
– because we do what you want for the salvation of the persecuted Church
– the Holy Spirit visibly continues to multiply in the world the prayer groups of the Little Rest made up of converted people who spontaneously consecrate themselves to you and who pray under your inspiration
– You Most Holy Mother help us and protect us,
– You enable us to be spiritually united with You, in unity of purpose and prayer,
– You inspire everyone to recognize Benedict XVI as the only true reigning pope who offered himself a victim of the Church,
– You protect us all, especially those who have imperfectly consecrated themselves to you because of their sins,
– You convert, guide and protect all our loved ones and friends
– You assist, heal and heal all the suffering and sick, especially those affected by the pandemic,
– You make all of us aware that the way of the cross of Christ is the only way we can follow to achieve our personal salvation
– You protect us when someone surrounds our heart with thorns, so that we can respond only with silence and with goodness
– You make us understand the meaning of your revelations and suggest the right answers for the daily choices of discernment.
We pray for all Christians who, everywhere in the world and every day in the midst of increasing difficulties and true acts of persecutions against them, continue to demonstrate heroically for their right to work, as they are prevented from doing their jobs and therefore from supporting themselves and their families! Help them, oh Mary Co-redemptrix! And in return we will fight with the weapon of prayer!
Finally, we address a prayer to you, oh you Immaculate Virgin together with your Son Jesus our Lord, for the souls of all the people we have met in life, especially our friends, hoping that you save them because they have kept some of their innocence from when they were children. We also pray for the souls who are in Limbo, especially the innocent victims of abortion. Please oh BVM so that you want to include their souls in the group of all the beneficiaries of your promises for the Offer of Life. And therefore we implore that You want to take their souls to heaven too!
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