E’ noto che Bergoglio si diletta a insultare i cattolici, specialmente perche’ pregano.
Pare assurdo, ma il suo cruccio (e fors’anche invidia!), come quello dei suoi seguaci pro-bergogliani, e’ la nostra preghiera (anche perche’ funziona visto che ce l’hanno promesso sia Gesu’ Cristo che la Madonna in persona!)!
Eccone alcuni esempi con i relativi link (1):
“Self-absorbed, Promethean
neo-Pelagian!”“Creed-reciting, parrot Christian!”
“Worshiper of the god Narcissus!”
“Religious who have a heart as sour as vinegar!”
“Promoter of the poison of immanence!”
“Those closed in the formality of a prayer that is cold, stingy!”
“They might end up as Michal, in the sterility of her formality.”
“Young people addicted to fashion!”
“Luscious cakes, sweet dainties!”
“Delectable, but not real Christians!”“Christian hypocrites only interested in their formalities!”
“They disguise themselves, they disguise themselves as good people!
“They make themselves up like little holy cards, looking up at heaven as they pray, making sure they are seen!”
“They believe they are more righteous than others, they despise others!”
“They think they are better than others! This is hypocrisy!”
“Sloth-diseased, acedic Christians!”
“Catholics, but without enthusiasm, even embittered!”
“People without light – real downers!”
“Selfish Christans, out for themselves!”
“Christians with all the paperwork, all the certificates, in order!”
“The theologian satisfied that his thought is complete and conclusive is mediocre!”
“The theologian who does not pray and does not adore God ends up drowning in the most disgusting narcissism.”
The narcissism of theologians and thinkers does such harm; it’s disgusting!“
“Your institutions are not machines for producing theologians and philosophers!”
“Christian bats who prefer the shadows to the light!”
“Vain, butterfly-priest!”
“A simple numerary in this sect!“
“Band of the chosen” in that “ecclesiastical microclimate!”
“Christians who prefer a spectacle to the silence of the Kingdom of God!”
(1) GLI INDEGNI INSULTI DI BERGOGLIO, Max Tex,23 Luglio 2021, https://www.proselitismodellascienza.it/2021/07/23/gli-insulti-di-bergoglio/