Qui vogliamo rispondere al recente articolo/intervista dell’Arc. Athanasius Schneider (1,2) in cui lo stesso arcivescovo ha attaccato Benedetto XVI, affermando che la teoria che Benedetto XVI sia papa e non Bergoglio sarebbe secondo lui. addirittura, contraria alla tradizione della Chiesa!
Emerge infatti quella che appare come una subdola strategia studiata a tavolino dalla mafia pro-Bergoglio. Si tratta ora dell’Arc. Athanasius Schneider, vescovo di Astana. Anche se in passato AAS ha criticato fortemente JM Bergoglio in realta’ non l’ha affatto abbandonato! La sua recente dichiarazione (1) lo dimostra. Si tratta quindi di una vera e propria dichiarazione di adesione da parte sua alla Deep Church, la falsa chiesa anticristica pro fratellanza-universale (2), pro-LGBTQ, pro-NWO e pro-Massonica, di Bergoglio. Quindi nessuna sorpresa che sostenga la tesi assurda e inconcepibile, cioe’ che JM Bergoglio sia il papa “legittimo”.
Sintetizziamo le sue argomentazioni ed analizziamone la fondatezza/infondatezza.
DICHIARAZIONE #1: The Church must have a visible ‘Supreme Shepherd’. The Church, by nature a visible entity, “cannot exist for a considerable time without a visible Supreme Shepherd,” he said, “since the vital activity of the universal Church depends on its visible head, such as the appointment of diocesan bishops and cardinals, appointments that require the existence of a valid pope.”
RISPOSTA #1 – Comment: Right, but he, the Pope to be such, should be duly elected! Comment: The Church does not exist without a Guide: the Supreme Sheperd remains Benedict XVI!
DICHIARAZIONE #2: Should a bishop be invalidly appointed, his priests “would lack pastoral jurisdiction (confession, marriage),” said Schneider.
RISPOSTA #2 – Comment: The question of pastoral jurisdiction depends on the choices of the priests, in particular upon whether they publicly acknowledge Benedict XVI as Pope or not.
DICHIARAZIONE #3: the Church [is guided by] the principle of “sanatio in radice (healing at the root),” said Bishop Schneider – meaning that “in the case of doubts about a renunciation or a pontifical election” the matter is resolved by the “peaceful and morally universal acceptance of the new Pontiff by the episcopate and the Catholic people.”
RISPOSTA #3 Comment: The principle of “sanatio in radice (healing at the root)” is not applicable to pope election. If it is invalid due to heresy it remains so.
DICHIARAZIONE #4: For Francis to not be pope would have ‘paralyzed’ the Church
RISPOSTA #4 – Comment: The statement that “For Francis to not be pope would have ‘paralyzed’ the Church”is just a nonsense. If he is the anti-pope all his actions as pope are authomatically invalid!
DICHIARAZIONE #5: Bp. Schneider: There’s a ‘basic error’ in Vatican documents on ‘material cooperation’ with abortion-tainted vaccines
RISPOSTA #5 – Comment: this is a very serious mistake, but just one of many!
DICHIARAZIONE #6 – The safest guiding principle regarding the validity of the papacy of Pope Francis, should be the prevailing practice in the history of the Church, with which were resolved cases of presumably invalid papal renunciations or elections. In this prevailing practice was shown the sensus perennis ecclesiae. RISPOSTA #6 – Comment: The principle to be applied is only the Gospel. A false Sheperd remains just a false Sheperd for ever. This occurs because ANY mortal sin against the Trinity cannot be forgiven and of such sins he has committed several! And this means for him authomatic self-excommunication “Latae Sententiae”. Therefore, independent of the invalidity of his election, he is not and cannot be the Pope!