But what is the proven proof of its true nature, namely that of the IMPOSTOR (revelations of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary (1))?
It is (even) his own self-revelation, or the admission of being a Mason! In fact, it does not resist the ignoble Satanic temptation to exhibit and reveal himself publicly as such!
In fact, it is a question of committing, no less, those that are the worst sins of our age (as Jesus himself revealed to Helena Teresa Higginson), namely those of intellectual pride and infidelity. (It is in fact the false church that thus reveals its satanic nature, without hiding anymore!)
Here is the document that certifies it (video of 12/24/2021, JM Bergoglio with Pedro Sanchez, Spanish socialist premier): https://www.youtube.com/embed/aNF31Ug5_LE?feature=oembed
and here too: https://www.youtube.com/embed/aNF31Ug5_LE?feature=oembed
In the text, in Spanish, Bergoglio informs the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, in a low voice, whispering and referring to an artistic object (an Amazonian nativity scene) presented / donated (it is not clear which of the two) to the Spanish Prime Minister himself, that it is [an object]:
“simbolico …. es nuestro artistico satanico….massonico… interesante. Es una cosa hecha en nuestros . Es una cosa hecha en nuestros talleres artísticos… satánicos. Todo el problema masónico, de indígenas… está interesante…” (talleres in Argentinian accent is pronounced tascèr).
Translated into English:
“[NDR object] symbolic .. it is one of our artistic [NDR artist] satanic .. Masonic … interesting. It’s something done in our art workshops… Satanic. The whole Masonic problem, of the indigenous people … is interesting … “. “This changes everything!”
In fact, that repeated nuestro / nuestros) referring to “Satanic artistic …. Masonic” and “talleres artísticos … satánicos” reveals that he himself is manifestly Satanic and Masonic!
And therefore necessarily heretic and antichrist! But above all it follows that Latae Sententiae is automatically excommunicated four times! So not only is he not pope, but not even a cardinal, bishop or priest!
(1) Avola, April 4, 2002, 11.30 pm Lord Jesus: “My children, My brothers you must prepare yourselves, events are approaching, Satan with his followers will move with the antichrist to the Vatican and the Pope will go into exile. The new Pope impostor with the antichrist will rule the world ” [See also: https://www.proselitismodellascienza.it/2021/06/23/sulle-profezie-di-pino-auricchia-sullimpostore/]