We have previously discussed the crucial questions of discerning JM Bergoglio as an antichrist (1) and why he is not pope (2). Let us now look at the question of the third secret of Fatima and precisely the discernment on the “Bishop dressed in white”. In fact according to current opinion: The text of Fatima [would indicate] that the affirmations of the Virgin are not easily decodable. Who is the “bishop dressed in white”? Some mean Benedict XVI, others Bergoglio (4,5), others the great prelate, However some things are clear:
1) FIRST ELEMENT: the “Bishop dressed in white” cannot (obviously) be the pope. In fact otherwise it would be called as such!
2) SECOND ELEMENT: It cannot be Benedict XVI, since Benedict XVI is pope emeritus (as he defined himself);
3) THIRD ELEMENT: he cannot be the great prelate, as he too would be Pope (even if only elected by the Christian community of Rome);
4) FOURTH ELEMENT: we already know that JM Bergoglio is not pope, as he is not canonically elected (2), and therefore he should only be considered bishop.
5) FIFTH ELEMENT (NEW): is based on a letter attributed to Sister Lucia of Fatima dated April 1, 1944, document published in a book by J.M-Zavala in 2017 (6). In the letter (whose attribution, moreover, has not been recognized by the church) it is clearly explained that “
the Bishop dressed in white” is not the pope at all. Indeed, it is stated: “Now I’m going to reveal the third fragment of the secret; this part is the apostasy in the Church. Our Lady showed us a vision of an individual who I describe as ‘the Holy Father’, in front of a multitude who were praising him. But there was a difference with a real Holy Father, the look of the devil, this one had the eyes of bad. Then, a few moments later, we saw the same Pope enter a Church, but this Church was the Church of Hell, there is no way to describe the ugliness of this place, it looked like a fortress made of gray concrete, with the broken corners and windows like eyes, had a peak on the roof of the building.“
6) SIXTH ELEMENT (NEW): is based on the revelations of Sr. Lucia to Bruno Cornacchiola (January 18, 1948; see also (7)).
In January 1948 Bruno Cornacchiola reports that he was summoned at night by Pius XII himself to urgently meet Sister Lucia of Fatima. It is in fact a meeting of exceptional importance. During the meeting Lucia reported in detail that:
A) men are no longer instructed in the word of God and therefore no longer receive the forgiveness of their sins;
B) Those who try to spread the word of God again will be persecuted. COMMENT: that’s exactly what’s happening! The followers of Benedict XVI are persecuted in every way with actions of censorship and disturbance.
C) But you – recommends Sr. Lucia – exhort, write and advise and go ahead in the work desired by the “Mother Beautiful” (4).
D) Satan reigns in the church. See how much confusion he has managed to create by artfully distorting and altering, according to his will, all the teachings and the Depositum Fidei of the Church!
E) Satan has reached the top of the Church by seducing everyone with his vainglorious aims and dampening the faith in Jesus Christ.
Except for the fifth (new) element above, all other elements are certain, including the sixth new element. The conclusion for all is however unique and inevitable. And that is that the “Bishop dressed in white” cannot be Benedict XVI.
Instead, he could be identified with JM Bergoglio (provided he was obviously still alive at the time of the events described in the Third Secret), referred to as – representative of Satan who reigns in the church (points D and E).
And then:
– illegitimate successor of Peter (D,E and Fourth Element)
– and therefore, necessarily, antipope and satanic! (E,F and Fourth Element).