Respóndit eis Ioánnes, dicens: Ego baptízo in aqua: médius autem vestrum stetit, quem vos nescítis. Ipse est, qui post me ventúrus est, qui ante me factus est – John said to them in answer, I baptize with water; but in the midst of you there has stood One Whom you do not know. He it is Who is to come after me.
ORARI S.MESSA/TIMETABLE HOLY MASS DI GIOVEDI 15 DICEMBRE 2022 ORE 17.30: Feria IV Quattuor Temporum Adventus ~ III. classis
e qui:
MESSALE ROMANO 1962 (Summorum Pontificum PPBXVI):
Ioann 1:19-28
In illo tempore: Misérunt Iudǽi ab Ierosólymis sacerdótes et levítas ad Ioánnem, ut interrogárent eum: Tu quis es? Et conféssus est, et non negávit: et conféssus est: Quia non sum ego Christus. Et interrogavérunt eum: Quid ergo? Elías es tu? Et dixit: Non sum. Prophéta es tu? Et respondit: Non. Dixérunt ergo ei: Quis es, ut respónsum demus his, qui misérunt nos? Quid dicis de te ipso? Ait: Ego vox clamántis in desérto: Dirígite viam Dómini, sicut dixit Isaías Prophéta. Et qui missi fúerant, erant ex pharisǽis. Et interrogavérunt eum, et dixérunt ei: Quid ergo baptízas, si tu non es Christus, neque Elías, neque Prophéta? Respóndit eis Ioánnes, dicens: Ego baptízo in aqua: médius autem vestrum stetit, quem vos nescítis. Ipse est, qui post me ventúrus est, qui ante me factus est: cuius ego non sum dignus ut solvam eius corrígiam calceaménti. Hæc in Bethánia facta sunt trans Iordánem, ubi erat Ioánnes baptízans.
John 1:19-28
At that time, the Jews sent to John from Jerusalem priests and Levites to ask him, Who are you? And he acknowledged and did not deny; and he acknowledged, I am not the Christ. And they asked him, What then? Are you Elias? And he said, I am not. Are you the Prophet? And he answered, No. They therefore said to him, Who are you? that we may give an answer to those who sent us. What have you to say of yourself? He said, I am the voice of one crying in the desert, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as said Isaias the prophet. And they who had been sent were from among the Pharisees. And they asked him, and said to him, Why, then, do you baptize, if you are not the Christ, nor Elias, nor the Prophet? John said to them in answer, I baptize with water; but in the midst of you there has stood One Whom you do not know. He it is Who is to come after me, Who has been set above me, the strap of Whose sandal I am not worthy to loose. These things took place at Bethany, beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing.

Lettura della Lettera del B. Paolo Ap. ai Filippesi
Philipp 4:4-7
Fratelli: Godete (gioite) sempre nel Signore: ve lo ripeto: godete (gioite). La vostra modestia sia manifesta a tutti gli uomini: il Signore è vicino. Non siate ansiosi (non vi date pena) per alcuna cosa, ma in ogni circostanza fate conoscere a Dio i vostri bisogni per mezzo delle vostre preghiere e suppliche con azioni di grazie. E la pace di Dio, che sopravanza ogni intelligenza, custodirà i vostri cuori e le vostre menti in Cristo Gesù nostro Signore.
Joann 1:19-28
In quel tempo: Da Gerusalemme mandarono a Giovanni sacerdoti e leviti per domandargli: Chi sei? Ed egli riconobbe, e non negò, e confessò: Non sono il Cristo. Allora gli chiesero: Chi sei dunque? Elia? E disse: Non lo sono. Sei il profeta? E rispose: No. E allora gli dissero: Chi sei, così che possiamo riferire a chi ci ha mandati? Cosa dici di te stesso?
Il tema e’ quello della gioia: “Io sono la voce che grida nel deserto: appianate la strada del Signore”, dice S. Giovanni Battista.
Il Signore viene anche a noi in questi tempi segnati dalla molte apparizioni della Madonna. Dobbiamo stare nella gioia perche’ il Signore sta per arrivare! Si tratta della gioia nel Signore, basata sulla fede e che non cede all’ansia e la preoccupazione!
La fede ci dice infatti: il Signore e’ vicino!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
(1) La Cappella dei Sacri Cuori e’ d’ora in avanti sotto la protezione della Madonna Pellegrina di Montichiari (Brescia, 1946).
Reading of the Letter of the Blessed Paul Ap. to the Philippians Philipp 4:4-7 Brethren: Enjoy (rejoice) always in the Lord: I repeat it to you: enjoy (rejoice). Your modesty be manifest to all men: the Lord is near. Do not be anxious (do not worry) about anything, but in all circumstances let God know your needs through your prayers and supplications with thanksgiving. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
John 1:19-28 At that time: From Jerusalem they sent priests and Levites to John to ask him: Who are you? And he acknowledged, and did not deny, and confessed: I am not the Christ. So they asked him: Who are you then? Elijah? And he said: I’m not. Are you the prophet? And he answered: No. And then they said to him: Who are you, so that we may report to who sent us? What do you say about yourself?
The theme is that of joy: “I am the voice that cries out in the desert: smooth the way of the Lord”, says St. John the Baptist. The Lord also comes to us in these times marked by the many apparitions of Our Lady. We must be joyful because the Lord is about to arrive! It’s about joy in the Lord, based on faith and that doesn’t give in to anxiety and worry! Indeed, faith tells us: the Lord is near!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.
(1) The Chapel of the Sacred Hearts is from now on under the protection of the Pilgrim Madonna of Montichiari (Brescia, 1946).