But before all these things they will arrest you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, dragging you before kings and governors for My name’s sake.
ORARI S.MESSA DI GIOVEDI 28 LUGLIO 2022, ORE 8.00: Ss. Nazarii et Celsi Martyrum, Victoris I Papæ et Martyris ac Innocentii I Papæ et Confessoris ~ III. classis
Tempora: Feria quinta infra Hebdomadam VII post Octavam Pentecostes
e qui:
Luc 21:9-19
In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis: Cum audiéritis prœ́lia et seditiónes, nolíte terréri: opórtet primum hæc fíeri, sed nondum statim finis. Tunc dicebat illis: Surget gens contra gentem, et regnum advérsus regnum. Et terræmótus magni erunt per loca, et pestiléntiæ, et fames, terrorésque de cœlo, et signa magna erunt. Sed ante hæc ómnia iniícient vobis manus suas, et persequéntur, tradéntes, in synagógas et custódias, trahéntes ad reges et præsides propter nomen meum: contínget autem vobis in testimónium. Pónite ergo in córdibus vestris non præmeditári, quemádmodum respondeátis. Ego enim dabo vobis os et sapiéntiam, cui non potérunt resístere et contradícere omnes adversárii vestri. Tradémini autem a paréntibus, et frátribus, et cognátis, et amícis, et morte affícient ex vobis: et éritis odio ómnibus propter nomen meum: et capíllus de cápite vestro non períbit. In patiéntia vestra possidébitis ánimas vestras.
Luke 21:9-19
At that time, Jesus said to His disciples, When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified; these things must first come to pass, but the end will not be at once. Then He said to them, Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be great earthquakes in various places, and pestilences and famines, and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. But before all these things they will arrest you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, dragging you before kings and governors for My name’s sake. It shall lead to your bearing witness. Resolve therefore in your hearts not to meditate beforehand how you are to make your defense. For I Myself will give you utterance and wisdom, which all your adversaries will not be able to resist or gainsay. But you will be delivered up by your parents and brothers and relatives and friends; and some of you they will put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake; yet not a hair of your head shall perish. By your patience you will win your souls.
Sap 10:17-20
Iddio rese ai giusti il frutto delle fatiche loro e li condusse per mirabile via: e fu loro ombra di giorno, e di notte brillante stella; li trasportò attraverso il Mar Rosso, oltre acque profonde.
Luc 21:9-19
In quel tempo Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Quando poi sentirete parlare di guerre e di sommosse, non vi spaventate: così deve prima accadere, ma non verrà subito la fine». Allora disse loro: «Si solleverà popolo contro popolo, e regno contro regno; vi saranno gran terremoti, e in diversi luoghi pestilenze e carestie, fenomeni spaventevoli e gran segni dal cielo. Ma prima di tutto ciò vi metteranno le mani addosso e vi perseguiteranno, consegnandovi alle sinagoghe e alle prigioni e vi trascineranno davanti a re e governatori per causa del mio nome; così vi riuscirà di rendermi testimonianza.
Oggi ricordiamo tre martiri e un confessore, Nazario e Celso (uccisi a Milano nel I secolo), San Vittore I di origine africana che fisso’ la data della Pasqua e Innocenzo I papa confessore del (V secolo) grande difensore della fede.
Chi vuole essere testimone della verita’ deve soffrire parecchio. La verita’ e’ Cristo vivo in mezzo a noi! Il Verbo eterno incarnato, il creatore dell’universo!
Non ci stupiamo se i testimoni di Gesu’ incontrano tanti nemici. Ma la persecuzione sara’ caratteristica degli ultimi tempo, a causa del nome del Signore.
Nella prima lettura si parla del popolo ebraico nel deserto. Dio li seguiva e proteggeva costantemente!
Gesu’ nel Vangelo ci dice che “Con la vostra perseveranza salverete la vostra anima!”
Sia lodato Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
(1) La Cappella dei Sacri Cuori e’ d’ora in avanti sotto la protezione della Madonna Pellegrina di Montichiari (Brescia, 1946).
Wis 10: 17-20 God gave to the righteous the fruit of their labors and led them by a marvelous way: and it was their shadow by day, and by night a brilliant star; carried them across the Red Sea, past deep waters.
Luke 21: 9-19 At that time Jesus said to his disciples: “When you hear about wars and riots, do not be frightened: this must happen first, but the end will not come immediately”. Then he said to them, ‘People will rise up against people, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be great earthquakes, and in various places pestilence and famine, frightening phenomena and great signs from heaven. But first of all they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, hand you over to synagogues and prisons and drag you before kings and governors on account of my name; so you will be able to bear witness to me.
Today we remember three martyrs and a confessor, Nazario and Celso (killed in Milan in the first century), Saint Victor I of African origin who fixed the date of Easter and Innocent I, confessor of the (fifth century), a great defender of the faith.
Whoever wants to be a witness to the truth must suffer a lot.
The truth is Christ alive among us! The eternal Word incarnate, the creator of the universe!
We are not surprised if Jesus’ witnesses encounter so many enemies.
But the persecution will be characteristic of the last times, because of the name of the Lord.
The first reading speaks of the Jewish people in the desert.
God followed and protected them constantly!
In the Gospel Jesus tells us that “With your perseverance you will save your soul!”
Praised be Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.
(1) The Chapel of the Sacred Hearts is from now on under the protection of the Pilgrim Madonna of Montichiari (Brescia, 1946).