And they ate and were satisfied; and they took up what was left of the fragments, seven baskets. Now those who had eaten were about four thousand.
ORARI S.MESSA DI DOMENICA 17 LUGLIO 2022, ORE 10.30: Dominica VI Post Pentecosten ~ II. classis
e qui:
Marc 8:1-9
In illo témpore: Cum turba multa esset cum Iesu, nec habérent, quod manducárent, convocátis discípulis, ait illis: Miséreor super turbam: quia ecce iam tríduo sústinent me, nec habent quod mandúcent: et si dimísero eos ieiúnos in domum suam, defícient in via: quidam enim ex eis de longe venérunt. Et respondérunt ei discípuli sui: Unde illos quis póterit hic saturáre pánibus in solitúdine? Et interrogávit eos: Quot panes habétis? Qui dixérunt: Septem. Et præcépit turbæ discúmbere super terram. Et accípiens septem panes, grátias agens fregit, et dabat discípulis suis, ut appónerent, et apposuérunt turbæ. Et habébant piscículos paucos: et ipsos benedíxit, et iussit appóni. Et manducavérunt, et saturáti sunt, et sustulérunt quod superáverat de fragméntis, septem sportas. Erant autem qui manducáverant, quasi quátuor mília: et dimísit eos.
Mark 8:1-9
At that time, when there was a great crowd with Jesus, and they had nothing to eat, He called His disciples together and said to them, I have compassion on the crowd, for behold, they have now been with Me three days, and have nothing to eat; and if I send them away to their homes fasting, they will faint on the way, for some of them have come from a distance. And His disciples answered Him, How will anyone be able to satisfy these with bread, here in a desert? And He asked them, How many loaves have you? And they said, Seven. And He bade the crowd recline on the ground. Then taking the seven loaves, He gave thanks, broke them and gave them to His disciples to distribute; and they set them before the crowd. And they had a few little fishes; and He blessed them, and ordered them to be distributed. And they ate and were satisfied; and they took up what was left of the fragments, seven baskets. Now those who had eaten were about four thousand. And He dismissed them.
Rom 6:3-11
Fratelli: Tutti noi che siamo stati battezzati nella sua morte. Dunque siamo stati sepolti con lui mediante il battesimo: affinché come il Cristo resuscitò dai morti per la gloria del Padre, cosí anche noi risorgiamo a vita nuova.
Marc 8:1-9
In quel tempo: Radunatasi molta folla attorno a Gesú, e non avendo da mangiare, egli, chiamati i discepoli, disse loro: Ho compassione di costoro, perché già da tre giorni sono con me e non hanno da mangiare; e se li rimanderò alle loro case digiuni, cadranno lungo la via, perché alcuni di essi sono venuti da lontano. E gli risposero i suoi discepoli: Come potremo saziarli di pane in questo deserto?
Oggi la liturgia ci insegna il miracolo della moltiplicazione dei pani e dei pesci! (2)
Quattromila persone hanno seguito Gesu’: per loro la cosa piu’ importante e’ ascoltare la sua voce! Hanno dimenticato di portare con se’ (molti venivano da lontano!) il cibo necessario alla sussistenza.
Oggi ci troviamo nella stessa situazione. Non sappiamo cosa ci prospetta il futuro. Non possiamo sapere cosa succedera. Ci troviamo nel deserto, in una situazione precaria, specialmente per i piu’ piccoli.
Ma se noi mettiamo al primo posto il Signore, le sue benedizioni e i suoi sacramenti, allora dobbiamo avere fede! Il Signore ci aiutera’ e non ci fara’ mancare nulla! Qui ci riferiamo all’Eucarestia che verra’ distribuita in tutto il mondo! Quando verra’ il Grande Avvertimento capiremo chiaramente la vera mancanza: il corpo di Cristo! Si tratte della fame dell’anima e del corpo!
Mandera’ i sacerdoti per portare i pani e i pesci: sono i sacramenti e le parole di Cristo!
Il Grande Avvertimento, tra breve, ci illuminera’. Comprenderemo chi siamo, vedremo a che punto siamo nel cammino spirituale, comprenderemo il male compiuto e il bene incompiuto!
La BVM ci guida ogni giorno! Ma occorre essere preparati. Anche i sacerdoti si riveleranno, cominciando dai vescovi. Molti di loro si convertiranno e diventeranno i sacerdoti che confessano. Dovrebbero confessare gia’ adesso, seguendo il comandamento di Gesu’ “Andate e confessate!”.
Ci sara’ una processione per ricercare i sacerdoti uniti a Benedetto XVI che confessano e danno la S. Comunione in bocca! Perche’ e’ Gesu’ Cristo che salva! Il Signore sa tutto e conosce tutto e ci aiuta in ogni momento”!
Sia lodato Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
(1) La Cappella dei Sacri Cuori e’ d’ora in avanti sotto la protezione della Madonna Pellegrina di Montichiari (Brescia, 1946).
(2) (NDR) e chi lo nega, come ha fatto JM Bergoglio nel 2013, non crede che Cristo sia Dio!
Rom 6: 3-11 Brothers: All of us who were baptized into his death. Therefore we were buried with him through baptism: so that as Christ rose from the dead for the glory of the Father, so we too may rise to new life.
Marc 8: 1-9 At that time: A large crowd gathered around Jesus, and having nothing to eat, he called the disciples and said to them: I have compassion on these, for they have been with me for three days already and they have nothing to eat; and if I send them back to their fasting houses, they will fall by the way, because some of them have come from afar. And his disciples answered him, How shall we be able to satisfy them with bread in this desert?
Today the liturgy teaches us the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes! (2) Four thousand people followed Jesus: for them the most important thing is to listen to his voice! They forgot to bring with them (many came from afar!) The food necessary for subsistence. Today we are in the same situation. We don’t know what the future holds. We can’t know what’s going to happen. We are in the desert, in a precarious situation, especially for the little ones. But if we put the Lord, his blessings and sacraments first, then we must have faith!
The Lord will help us and will not make us lack for anything! Here we are referring to the Eucharist which will be distributed throughout the world! When the Great Warning comes, we will clearly understand the true lack: the body of Christ! It is the hunger of the soul and the body! He will send the priests to bring the loaves and fish: they are the sacraments and the words of Christ!
The Great Warning will soon enlighten us. We will understand who we are, we will see where we are on the spiritual path, we will understand the evil done and the good unfinished!
The BVM guides us every day! But you need to be prepared. The priests will also reveal themselves, starting with the bishops. Many of them will convert and become the priests who confess. They should already confess now, following the commandment of Jesus “Go and confess!”.
There will be a procession to look for the priests united with Benedict XVI who confess and give Holy Communion in the mouth!
Because it is Jesus Christ who saves!
The Lord knows everything and knows everything and helps us at all times ”!
Praised be Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.
(1) The Chapel of the Sacred Hearts is from now on under the protection of the Pilgrim Madonna of Montichiari (Brescia, 1946).
(2) (NDR) and those who deny it, as JM Bergoglio did in 2013, do not believe that Christ is God!