And Jesus said to Simon, Do not be afraid; henceforth you shall catch men.
ORARI S.MESSA DI DOMENICA 3 LUGLIO 2022, ORE 10.30: Dominica IV Post Pentecosten ~ II. classis
e qui:
Luc 5:1-11
In illo témpore: Cum turbæ irrúerent in Iesum, ut audírent verbum Dei, et ipse stabat secus stagnum Genésareth. Et vidit duas naves stantes secus stagnum: piscatóres autem descénderant et lavábant rétia. Ascéndens autem in unam navim, quæ erat Simónis, rogávit eum a terra redúcere pusíllum. Et sedens docébat de navícula turbas. Ut cessávit autem loqui, dixit ad Simónem: Duc in altum, et laxáte rétia vestra in captúram. Et respóndens Simon, dixit illi: Præcéptor, per totam noctem laborántes, nihil cépimus: in verbo autem tuo laxábo rete. Et cum hoc fecíssent, conclusérunt píscium multitúdinem copiósam: rumpebátur autem rete eórum. Et annuérunt sóciis, qui erant in ália navi, ut venírent et adiuvárent eos. Et venérunt, et implevérunt ambas navículas, ita ut pæne mergeréntur. Quod cum vidéret Simon Petrus, prócidit ad génua Iesu, dicens: Exi a me, quia homo peccátor sum, Dómine. Stupor enim circumdéderat eum et omnes, qui cum illo erant, in captúra píscium, quam céperant: simíliter autem Iacóbum et Ioánnem, fílios Zebedǽi, qui erant sócii Simónis. Et ait ad Simónem Iesus: Noli timére: ex hoc iam hómines eris cápiens. Et subdúctis ad terram návibus, relictis ómnibus, secuti sunt eum.
Luke 5:1-11
At that time, while the crowds were pressing upon Jesus to hear the word of God, He was standing by Lake Genesareth. And He saw two boats moored by the lake, but the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets. And getting into one of the boats, the one that was Simon’s, He asked him to put out a little from the land. And sitting down, He began to teach the crowds from the boat. But when He had ceased speaking, He said to Simon, Put out into the deep, and lower your nets for a catch. And Simon answered and said to Him, Master, the whole night through we have toiled and have taken nothing; but at Your word I will lower the net. And when they had done so, they enclosed a great number of fishes, but their net was breaking. And they beckoned to their comrades in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw this, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish they had made; and so were also James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, Do not be afraid; henceforth you shall catch men. And when they had brought their boats to land, they left all and followed Him.

Rom 8:18-23.
Fratelli: Penso che le sofferenze presenti non sono paragonabili alla gloria futura che si manifesterà in noi. Poiché l’attesa del creato si rivolge tutta alla rivelazione dei figli di Dio. Infatti il creato è stato assoggettato alla vanità, non per suo volere, ma da colui che lo ha assoggettato con la speranza che lo stesso creato sarà liberato dalla schiavitú della corruzione nella libertà della gloria dei figli di Dio.
Luc 5:1-11
In quel tempo: Affollàtesi le turbe attorno a Gesú per udire la parola di Dio, Egli si teneva sulla riva del lago di Genézareth. E vide due barche tirate a riva, poiché i pescatori erano discesi e lavavano le reti. Salendo in una barca, che era di Simone, lo pregò di allontanarlo un poco dalla spiaggia; e sedendo insegnava alle turbe dalla navicella. Quando finí di parlare, disse a Simone: Va al largo, e getta le reti per la pesca.
Ci troviamo nel tempo dopo Pentecoste pero’ non dobbiamo dare per scontati gli argomenti della liturgia di questo tratto. Si tratta infatti dell’opera dello Spirito Santo nella Chiesa.
Si parla qui della chiamata dei primi discepoli che seguono Gesu’. Luca racconta gli eventi piu’ in dettaglio, citando il miracolo della pesca miracolosa (2). Gesu’ sale su una barca per poter parlare alla folla. La barca e’ la Chiesa da cui predica Gesu’. La Chiesa (la barca) e’ ben distinta dalla societa’, non si confonde con essa!
Poi Gesu’ ordina a Simone (non e’ ancora Pietro!) di gettare le reti al largo. Simone protesta affermando di aver tentato inutilmente di pescare (cosi’ la Chiesa del nostro tempo ha speso inutilmente energie dopo il CV2 senza alcun risultato!). I pesci sono simbolo delle anime. Ben poche sono state acquistate!
Abbiamo faticato tutta la notte, ma lavorando di nostra iniziativa non abbiamo ottenuto nulla! Dove va lanciata la rete e quando? Solo ascoltando Nostro Signore, con ordini che vengono trasmessi dal suo Vicario in Terra la Chiesa puo’ crescere nella fede!
Questo deve avvenire! Tutti devono contribuire alla rinascita della Chiesa ascoltando le parole del Signore che ci giungono anche direttamente con la preghiera! Non bastano i protocolli, le disposizioni della gerarchia corrotta e apostatica!
Il rinnovamento, la ripartenza della Chiesa verra’ dal Signore direttamente, tramite lo Spirito Santo che Lui ci manda! E’ la fede che e’ necessaria! Non siamo ancora pronti perche’ apparteniamo ancora al passato! Occorrono otri nuovi per il vino nuovo! Dobbiamo essere autentici, abbiamo molto cammino da compiere!
Sia lodato Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
(1) La Cappella dei Sacri Cuori e’ d’ora in avanti sotto la protezione della Madonna Pellegrina di Montichiari (Brescia, 1946).
(2) non si tratta affatto di una “parabola”, secondo l’interpretazione ingiuriosa di JM Bergoglio (2013), ma di un miracolo!
Rom 8: 18-23. Brothers: I think that the present sufferings are not comparable to the future glory that will manifest in us. Since the expectation of creation is entirely directed to the revelation of the children of God. In fact, creation was subjected to vanity, not by its will, but by the one who subjected it with the hope that creation itself will be freed from the slavery of corruption. in the freedom of the glory of the children of God.
Luke 5: 1-11 At that time: Crowds crowded around Jesus to hear the word of God, He was held on the shore of the lake of Genézareth. And he saw two boats being pulled ashore, as the fishermen had come down and washed their nets. Getting into a boat, which belonged to Simone, she begged him to take him away a little from the beach; and sitting he taught the crowds from the ship. When he finished speaking, he said to Simon: Go out to sea and cast your nets for fishing.
We find ourselves in the time after Pentecost, but we must not take the arguments of the liturgy of this section for granted.
It is in fact the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church.
We are speaking here of the calling of the first disciples who follow Jesus. Luke recounts the events in more detail, citing the miracle of the miraculous catch (2).
Jesus gets into a boat to be able to speak to the crowd. The boat is the Church from which Jesus preaches. The Church (the boat) is very distinct from society, it is not confused with it!
Then Jesus orders Simon (he is not yet Peter!) To cast the nets out to sea.
Simone protests, stating that he tried in vain to fish (so the Church of our time has uselessly spent energy after CV2 to no avail!).
Pisces are a symbol of souls. Very few have been purchased! We struggled all night, but working on our own initiative we achieved nothing! Where should the network be launched and when? Only by listening to Our Lord, with orders that are transmitted by his Vicar on Earth, can the Church grow in faith!
This has to happen! Everyone must contribute to the rebirth of the Church by listening to the words of the Lord which also reach us directly with prayer!
The protocols, the provisions of the corrupt and apostatic hierarchy are not enough! The renewal, the restarting of the Church will come from the Lord directly, through the Holy Spirit that
He sends us! It is faith that is needed! We are not ready yet because we still belong to the past!
We need new wineskins for new wine!
We have to be authentic, we have a long way to go!
Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised!
(**) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words
(1) The celebration Chapel of Sacred Hearts from now on is set under the protection of the Pilgrim Madonna of Montichiari (Brescia, Italy, 1946).
(2) this is by no means a “parable”, according to the insulting interpretation of JM Bergoglio (2013), but a miracle!