Because you have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many; enter into the joy of your master.’
ORARI S.MESSA DI MARTEDI 10 MAGGIO 2022, ORE 8.00 – S. Antonii Episcopi Confessoris ~ III. classis
Tempora: Feria Tertia infra Hebdomadam III post Octavam Paschæ
S.MESSA ONLINE DI DON ENRICO RONCAGLIA, su youtube channel: e qui:
Matt 25:14-23.
In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis parábolam hanc: Homo péregre proficíscens vocávit servos suos, et trádidit illis bona sua. Et uni dedit quinque talénta, álii autem duo, álii vero unum, unicuíque secúndum própriam virtútem, et proféctus est statim. Abiit autem, qui quinque talénta accéperat, et operátus est in eis, et lucrátus est ália quinque. Simíliter et, qui duo accéperat, lucrátus est ália duo. Qui autem unum accéperat, ábiens fodit in terram, et abscóndit pecúniam dómini sui. Post multum vero témporis venit dóminus servórum illórum, et pósuit ratiónem cum eis. Et accédens qui quinque talénta accéperat, óbtulit ália quinque talénta,dicens: Dómine, quinque talénta tradidísti mihi, ecce, ália quinque superlucrátus sum. Ait illi dóminus eius: Euge, serve bone et fidélis, quia super pauca fuísti fidélis, super multa te constítuam: intra in gáudium dómini tui. Accéssit autem et qui duo talénta accéperat, et ait: Dómine, duo talénta tradidísti mihi, ecce, ália duo lucrátus sum. Ait illi dóminus eius: Euge, serve bone et fidélis, quia super pauca fuísti fidélis, super multa te constítuam: intra in gáudium dómini tui.
Matt 25:14-23
At that time, Jesus spoke this parable to His disciples: A man going abroad, called his servants and handed over his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his particular ability, and then he went on his journey. And he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more. In like manner, he who had received the two gained two more. But he who had received the one went away and dug in the earth and hid his master’s money. Then after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. And he who had received the five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Master, you handed over to me five talents; behold, I have gained five others in addition.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; because you have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many; enter into the joy of your master.’ And he also who had received the two talents came, and said, ‘Master, you handed over to me two talents; behold, I have gained two more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; because you have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many; enter into the joy of your master.’
Eccli 44:16-27; 45, 3-20
Ecco il gran sacerdote che nei suoi giorni piacque a Dio, e fu trovato giusto, e nel giorno dell’ira fu strumento di conciliazione. Nessuno fu simile a lui nel conservare la legge dell’Eccelso. Per questo, con giuramento, il Signore gli assicurò la gloria nella sua stirpe. A lui diede la benedizione di tutti gli antenati, e confermò il suo patto sopra il capo di lui.
Matth 25:14-23
In quel tempo Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli questa parabola: «Un uomo, in procinto di partire, chiamati i servi consegnò loro i suoi beni: a chi diede cinque talenti, a chi due, a chi uno: a ciascuno secondo la sua capacità, e subito partì. Tosto colui, che aveva ricevuto cinque talenti, andò a negoziarli e ne guadagnò altri cinque.
Oggi celebriamo il santo vescovo Antonino Pierozzi (1 marzo 1389, Firenze-2 maggio 1459) noto anche come Sant’Antonino da Firenze.
Aveva l’abitudine alla poverta’ e sobrieta’. Venne soprannominato “il consigliere” per la sua saggezza. E stato un teologo, arcivescovo cattolico e letterato italiano; appartenne all’ordine dei frati predicatori, fu arcivescovo di Firenze e studioso nei ranghi della tarda scolastica. È venerato come santo dalla Chiesa cattolica.
Il cristiano deve tener conto, nella propria azione, della Provvidenza e dello Spirito Santo. Nostro compito e’ infatti favorire in ogni modo l’azione della Provvidenza.
Ma oggi la chiesa e’ in cattive acque proprio perche’ molti vescovi e religiosi non seguono i piani della Provvidenza. Preghiamo affinche’ i vescovi e i sacerdoti si rimettano al servizio di Dio e della loro vocazione sacerdotale!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Eccli 44: 16-27; 45, 3-20 Here is the high priest who in his day pleased God, and was found righteous, and in the day of wrath he was an instrument of conciliation. No one was like him in keeping the law of the Exalted. For this, with an oath, the Lord assured him the glory in his lineage. To him he gave the blessing of all the ancestors, and confirmed his covenant over his head.
Matth 25: 14-23 At that time Jesus told his disciples this parable: “A man, about to leave, called the servants and handed over his goods to them: to whom he gave five talents, to whom two, to whom one: to each according to his ability, and immediately left. Soon the one who had received five talents went to negotiate them and earned five more.
Today we celebrate the holy bishop Antonino Pierozzi (1 March 1389, Florence-2 May 1459) also known as Sant’Antonino da Firenze. He was used to poverty and sobriety. He was nicknamed “the counselor” for his wisdom.
He was an Italian theologian, Catholic archbishop and man of letters; he belonged to the order of preaching friars, was archbishop of Florence and a scholar in the ranks of the late scholastic period. He is revered as a saint by the Catholic Church.
The Christian must take into account, in his own action, Providence and the Holy Spirit. Our task is in fact to favor the action of Providence in every way.
But today the church is in dire straits precisely because many bishops and religious do not follow the plans of Providence.
Let us pray that bishops and priests will return to the service of God and their priestly vocation!
Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised!
(**) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words