What I do, thou knowest not now: but thou shalt know hereafter.
ORARI S.MESSA DI GIOVEDI SANTO IN COENA DOMINI 14 APRILE 2022, ORE 18.00 – Feria Quinta in Coena Domini ~ I.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYYDj4O4e11cE7XNtngkoJA e qui:
Ioann 13:1-15
Ante diem festum Paschæ, sciens Iesus, quia venit hora eius, ut tránseat ex hoc mundo ad Patrem: cum dilexísset suos, qui erant in mundo, in finem diléxit eos. Et cena facta, cum diábolus iam misísset in cor, ut tráderet eum Iudas Simónis Iscariótæ: sciens, quia ómnia dedit ei Pater in manus, et quia a Deo exivit, et ad Deum vadit: surgit a cena et ponit vestiménta sua: et cum accepísset línteum, præcínxit se. Deinde mittit aquam in pelvim, et cœpit laváre pedes discipulórum, et extérgere línteo, quo erat præcínctus. Venit ergo ad Simónem Petrum. Et dicit ei Petrus: Dómine, tu mihi lavas pedes? Respóndit Iesus et dixit ei: Quod ego fácio, tu nescis modo, scies autem póstea. Dicit ei Petrus: Non lavábis mihi pedes in ætérnum. Respóndit ei Iesus: Si non lávero te, non habébis partem mecum. Dicit ei Simon Petrus: Dómine, non tantum pedes meos, sed et manus et caput. Dicit ei Iesus: Qui lotus est, non índiget nisi ut pedes lavet, sed est mundus totus. Et vos mundi estis, sed non omnes. Sciébat enim, quisnam esset, qui tráderet eum: proptérea dixit: Non estis mundi omnes. Postquam ergo lavit pedes eórum et accépit vestiménta sua: cum recubuísset íterum, dixit eis: Scitis, quid fécerim vobis? Vos vocátis me Magíster et Dómine: et bene dícitis: sum étenim. Si ergo ego lavi pedes vestros, Dóminus et Magíster: et vos debétis alter altérius laváre pedes. Exémplum enim dedi vobis, ut, quemádmodum ego feci vobis, ita et vos faciátis.
Joann 13:1-15
Before the festival-day of the Pasch, Jesus knowing that His hour was come, that He should pass out of this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world. He loved them unto the end. And when supper was done – the devil having now put into the heart of Judas, the son of Simon the Iscariot, to betray Him, – knowing that the Father had given Him all things into His hands and that He came from God and goeth to God: He riseth from supper and layeth aside His garments and, having taken a towel, girded Himself. After that, He putteth water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He was girded. He cometh therefore to Simon Peter. And Peter saith to Him: Lord, dost Thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said to him: What I do, thou knowest not now: but thou shalt know hereafter. Peter saith to Him: Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him: If I wash thee not, thou shalt have no part with Me. Simon Peter saith to Him: Lord, not only my feet, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith to him: He that is washed needeth not but to wash his feet, but is clean wholly. And you are clean, but not all. For He knew who he was that would betray Him; therefore He said: You are not all clean. Then after He had washed their feet and taken His garments, being set down again, He said to them: Know you what I have done to you? You call Me Master and Lord. And you say well; for so I am. If then I being your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that as I have done to you, so you do also.
Il giovedi santo e’ una festa particolare, perche avviene alla vigilia del suo sacrificio.
Il Signore distribuisce l’eucarestia mentre e’ gia’ in atto il tradimento di Giuda. Vuole lasciare il dono piu’ prezioso, la sua presenza nelle chiese e nella chiesa nel suo complesso. Perche’ il sacrificio sia disponibilie a tutti istituisce il sacerdozio, per la chiesa che nascera’ dalla sua morte e resurrezione. Il dono principale e la carita’: amarsi come lui ci ha amato. Gesu’ prende i panni dei servi lavando ai piedi i commensali. Pietro lo comprendera’ dopo la morte del Signore, nel senso spirituale, ovvero per purificarsi attraverso il sacrificio dell’eucarestia. Pietro e anche noi vogliamo condividere la vita del Signore!
La Chiesa si sta ricostituendo! Mentre la falsa chiesa crolla, c’e’ il nuovo bosco dai fedeli e dai sacerdoti sparsi nel mondo in piccolo numero. E’ il Signore che chiama tutti, in particolare i sacerdoti. Il Signore li sta’ radunando! Cio’ avviene tramite la Madonna: e’ lei che interviene attraverso lo Spirito Santo.
Il segno distintivo della nuova chiesa sara’ la carita! Questa caratteristica la differenziera’ dalla falsa chiesa.
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Holy Thursday is a special feast, because it takes place on the eve of his sacrifice. The Lord distributes the Eucharist while the betrayal of Judas is already underway. He wants to leave the most precious gift, his presence in the churches and in the church as a whole.
In order for the sacrifice to be available to all, he institutes the priesthood, for the church that will be born of his death and resurrection.
The main gift is charity: to love each other as he loved us. Jesus takes the clothes of the servants, washing the diners’ feet. Peter will understand it after the death of the Lord, in the spiritual sense, that is, to purify himself through the sacrifice of the Eucharist. Peter and we too want to share the life of the Lord!
The Church is reconstituting itself! While the false church collapses, there is a new wood from the faithful and priests scattered around the world in small numbers. It is the Lord who calls everyone, especially priests.
The Lord is gathering them! This happens through Our Lady: it is she who intervenes through the Holy Spirit.
The hallmark of the new church will be charity! This feature will differentiate it from the false church.
Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words