Jesus said to him, Rise, take up your pallet and walk.
ORARI S.MESSA DI OGGI VENERDI 11 MARZ0 2022, ORE 18.00 – Feria Sexta Quattuor Temporum Quadragesimæ ~ III. classis
S.MESSA ONLINE DI DON ENRICO RONCAGLIA, su youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYYDj4O4e11cE7XNtngkoJA
Ioann 5:1-15
In illo témpore: Erat dies festus Iudæórum, et ascéndit Iesus Ierosólymam. Est autem Ierosólymis Probática piscína, quæ cognominátur hebráice Bethsáida, quinque pórticus habens. In his iacébat multitúdo magna languéntium, cæcórum, claudórum, aridórum exspectántium aquæ motum. Angelus autem Dómini descendébat secúndum tempus in piscínam, et movebátur aqua. Et, qui prior descendísset in piscínam post motiónem aquæ, sanus fiébat, a quacúmque detinebátur infirmitáte. Erat autem quidam homo ibi, trigínta et octo annos habens in infirmitáte sua. Hunc cum vidísset Iesus iacéntem, et cognovisset, quia iam multum tempus habéret, dicit ei: Vis sanus fíeri? Respóndit ei lánguidus: Dómine, hóminem non hábeo, ut, cum turbáta fúerit aqua, mittat me in piscínam: dum vénio enim ego, álius ante me descéndit. Dicit ei Iesus: Surge, tolle grabátum tuum, et ámbula. Et statim sanus factus est homo ille: et sústulit grabátum suum, et ambulábat. Erat autem sábbatum in die illo. Dicébant ergo Iudǽi illi, qui sanátus fúerat: Sábbatum est, non licet tibi tóllere grabátum tuum. Respóndit eis: Qui me sanum fecit, ille mihi dixit: Tolle grabátum tuum, et ámbula. Interrogavérunt ergo eum: Quis est ille homo, qui dixit tibi: Tolle grabátum tuum et ámbula? Is autem, qui sanus fúerat efféctus, nesciébat, quis esset. Iesus enim declinávit a turba constitúta in loco. Póstea invénit eum Iesus in templo, et dixit illi: Ecce, sanus factus es: iam noli peccáre, ne detérius tibi áliquid contíngat. Abiit ille homo, et nuntiávit Iudǽis, quia Iesus esset, qui fecit eum sanum.
John 5:1-15
At that time, there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is at Jerusalem, by the Sheepgate, a pool called in Hebrew Bethsaida, having five porticoes. In these were lying a great multitude of the sick, blind, lame, and those with shriveled limbs, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel of the Lord used to come down at certain times into the pool, and the water was troubled. And the first to go down into the pool after the troubling of the water was cured of whatever infirmity he had. Now a certain man was there who had been thirty-eight years under his infirmity. When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been in this state a long time, He said to him, Do you want to get well? The sick man answered Him, Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred; for while I am coming, another steps down before me. Jesus said to him, Rise, take up your pallet and walk. And at once the man was cured. And he took up his pallet and began to walk. Now that day was a Sabbath. The Jews therefore said to him who had been healed, It is the Sabbath; you are not allowed to take up your pallet. He answered them, He who made me well said to me, ‘Take up your pallet and walk.’ They asked him then, Who is the man who said to you, ‘Take up your pallet and walk’? But the man who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had quietly gone away, since there was a crowd in the place. Afterwards Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, Behold, you are cured. Sin no more, lest something worse befall you. The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus Who had healed him.

Ezech 18:20-28
Cosi dice il Signore: «L’anima che avrà peccato, quella morrà: il figlio non porterà l’iniquità del padre, né il padre quella del figlio: sul capo del giusto sarà la giustizia e su quello dell’empio l’empietà. Ma se l’empio fa penitenza di tutti i suoi peccati, osserva i miei comandamenti, e agisce secondo equità e giustizia, avrà la vera vita e non morrà. Ma se il giusto si allontanerà dalla sua giustizia e commetterà l’iniquità, seguendo le abominazioni proprie dell’empio, potrà aver la vita? Tutte le opere buone da lui fatte saranno dimenticate a causa del peccato di cui si è reso colpevole, e a causa di questo morrà.
Ps 102:10
Dómine, non secúndum peccáta nostra, quæ fécimus nos: neque secúndum iniquitátes nostras retríbuas nobis.
Joann 5:1-15
Gesù gli disse: «Alzati, prendi il tuo lettuccio e cammina». E nell’istante l’uomo guarì e, preso il lettuccio, cominciò a camminare. Or quel giorno era un sabato. E quindi i Giudei dicevano al risanato: «È sabato, non ti è lecito portare il tuo lettuccio». Ma egli rispose loro: «Quello stesso che mi ha guarito mi ha detto: “Prendi il tuo lettuccio e cammina”». Poco dopo Gesù lo trovò nel tempio e gli disse: «Ecco, sei guarito, non peccar più, che non ti avvenga di peggio». E quegli andò a riferire ai Giudei che era Gesù quello che lo aveva guarito.
In quel tempo, essendo una festa dei Giudei, Gesù andò a Gerusalemme: oggi e’ il venerdi delle quattor tempora.
E’ la guarigione del paralitico presso la piscina di Betesda. Nell’AT il profeta vede l’acqua che sgorga da sotto il Tempio e guarisce tutta la terra.
Il simbolo e’ quello dell’umanita’ che e’ impotente a salvarsi da sola.
E’ Gesu’ il Tempio da cui sgorga il sangue che ci salva.
Ma occorre volerlò, occorre scegliere di credere in Gesu’.
E questo avviene nel nuovo giorno, la Domenica, che sostituisce il sabato ebraico.
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo. Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Hezek 18: 20-28
Thus says the Lord: “The soul that has sinned will die: the son will not bear the iniquity of the father, nor the father that of the son: justice will be on the head of the just and impiety on that of the wicked. But if the wicked do penance for all his sins, keep my commandments, and act according to fairness and justice, he will have true life and will not die. But if the just will turn away from his justice and commit iniquity, following the abominations of the wicked, will he be able to have life? All the good works he has done will be forgotten because of the sin of which he is guilty, and because of this he will die.
Ps 102: 10 Dómine, non secúndum peccáta nostra, quæ fécimus nos: neque secúndum iniquitátes nostras retríbuas nobis.
Joann 5: 1-15 Jesus said to him: “Get up, take your bed and walk.” And in an instant the man was healed and, taking the bed, he began to walk. Now that day was a Saturday. And then the Jews said to the healed: “It is Saturday, it is not lawful for you to carry your cot.” But he answered them: “The same one who healed me said to me: ‘Take your bed and walk'”. Shortly afterwards Jesus found him in the temple and said to him: “Behold, you are cured, sin no more, let no worse happen to you.” And he went and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.
At that time, being a Jewish feast, Jesus went to Jerusalem: today is the Friday of the four tempora.
It is the healing of the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda.
In the OT the prophet sees the water that flows from under the Temple and heals the whole earth. The symbol is that of humanity which is powerless to save itself.
Jesus is the Temple from which the blood that saves us flows. But we must want it, we must choose to believe in Jesus.
And this happens on the new day, Sunday, which replaces the Jewish Sabbath.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.