by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
In a stunning revelation, the most visible leader of the opposition to the GoldmanSachs Dictatorship has publicly declared that he recognizes Pope Benedict XVI as the true Roman Pontiff.
The confession of faith was made in simple terms, during his interview on 100 Giorni da Leoni (a YouTube News/Commentary Channel produced in the Veneto) during the program, “Caionisti et portuali Uniti Con Stefano Puzzer” (Truckers and Longshormen UNITED with Stefano Puzzer). The host and publisher of the Channel is Riccardo Rocchésso.
Puzzer won national fame by leading with his peers a month long siege of the international port of Trieste in October. He came to Rome afterwards to demand to speak with the Government, as it has promised him through the Minister of Transport. When the promise was not fulilled, he set up a table in the Piazza del Popolo with chairs for the government and the Pope. — All assumed he wanted to speak with Bergoglio. But in this program he says, that is not the case.