Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam II in Quadragesima ~ III. classis
Commemoratio: S. Franciscæ Viduæ Romanæ
e qui:
MESSALE ROMANO 1962 (Summorum Pontificum PPBXVI):
Luc 15:11-32
In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus pharisǽis et scribis parábolam istam: Homo quidam hábuit duos fílios, et dixit adolescéntior ex illis patri: Pater, da mihi portiónem substántiæ, quæ me contíngit. Et divísit illis substántiam. Et non post multos dies, congregátis ómnibus, adolescéntior fílius péregre proféctus est in regiónem longínquam, et ibi dissipávit substántiam suam vivéndo luxurióse. Et postquam ómnia consummásset, facta est fames válida in regióne illa, et ipse cœpit egére. Et ábiit, et adhǽsit uni cívium regiónis illíus. Et misit illum in villam suam, ut pásceret porcos. Et cupiébat implére ventrem suum de síliquis, quas porci manducábant: et nemo illi dabat. In se autem revérsus, dixit: Quanti mercenárii in domo patris mei abúndant pánibus, ego autem hic fame péreo? Surgam, et ibo ad patrem meum, et dicam ei: Pater, peccávi in cœlum et coram te: iam non sum dignus vocári fílius tuus: fac me sicut unum de mercenáriis tuis. Et surgens venit ad patrem suum. Cum autem adhuc longe esset, vidit illum pater ipsíus, et misericórdia motus est, et accúrrens cécidit super collum eius, et osculátus est eum. Dixítque ei fílius: Pater, peccávi in cœlum et coram te, iam non sum dignus vocári fílius tuus. Dixit autem pater ad servos suos: Cito proférte stolam primam, et indúite illum, et date ánnulum in manum eius, et calceaménta in pedes eius: et addúcite vítulum saginátum et occídite, et manducémus et epulémur, quia hic fílius meus mórtuus erat, et revíxit: períerat, et invéntus est. Et cœpérunt epulári. Erat autem fílius eius sénior in agro: et cum veníret, et appropinquáret dómui, audívit symphóniam et chorum: et vocávit unum de servis, et interrogávit, quid hæc essent. Isque dixit illi: Frater tuus venit, et occídit pater tuus vítulum saginátum, quia salvum illum recépit. Indignátus est autem, et nolébat introíre. Pater ergo illíus egréssus, cœpit rogáre illum. At ille respóndens, dixit patri suo: Ecce, tot annis sérvio tibi, et numquam mandátum tuum præterívi, et numquam dedísti mihi hædum, ut cum amícis meis epulárer: sed postquam fílius tuus hic, qui devorávit substántiam suam cum meretrícibus, venit, occidísti illi vítulum saginátum. At ipse dixit illi: Fili, tu semper mecum es, et ómnia mea tua sunt: epulári autem et gaudére oportébat, quia frater tuus hic mórtuus erat, et revíxit: períerat, et invéntus est.
Luke 15:11-32
At that time, Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and Scribes this parable: A certain man had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the property that falls to me.’ And he divided his means between them. And not many days later, the younger son gathered up all his wealth, and took his journey into a far country; and there he squandered his fortune in loose living. And after he had spent all, there came a grievous famine over that country, and he began himself to suffer want. And he went and joined one of the citizens of that country, who sent him to his farm to feed swine. And he longed to fill himself with the pods that the swine were eating, but no one offered to give them to him. But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many hired men in my father’s house have bread in abundance, while I am perishing here with hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me as one of your hired me.’ And he arose and went to his father. But while he was yet a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with compassion, and ran and fell upon his neck and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his servants, ‘Fetch quickly the best robe and put it on him, and give him a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet; and bring out the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; because this my son was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to make merry. Now his elder son was in the field; and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. And calling one of the servants he inquired what this meant. And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf, because he has got him back safe.’ But he was angered and would not go in. His father, therefore, came out and began to entreat him. But he answered and said to his father, ‘Behold, these many years I have been serving you, and have never transgressed one of your commands; and yet you have never given me a kid that I might make merry with my friends. But when this your son comes, who has devoured his means with harlots, you have killed for him the fattened calf.’ But he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours; but we were bound to make merry and rejoice, for this your brother was dead, and has come to life; he was lost, and is found.’
Gen 27:6-40
Cosi Rebecca disse al suo figlio Giacobbe: «Ho sentito tuo padre parlare con Esaù tuo fratello e dirgli: “Portami della cacciagione, e fammi una pietanza, affinché io ne mangi, e ti benedica dinanzi a Dio prima di morire”. Or dunque, figlio mio, attienti ai miei consigli: Va’ alla greggia e portomi due buoni capretti, affinché io ne faccia pel tuo padre pietanze di suo gusto e poi, quando tu gliele avrai portate ed egli ne avrà mangiato, ti benedica prima di morire»
Luc 15:11-32
In quel tempo Gesù disse ai Farisei e agli Scribi questa parabola: «Un uomo aveva due figliuoli, e il più giovane di essi disse al padre: “Padre, dammi la parte dei beni che mi spetta”. E divise tra loro il patrimonio. Dopo alcuni giorni, messa insieme ogni cosa, il figlio minore emigrò in lontano paese, e là scialacquò il suo, vivendo dissolutamente. E come ebbe dato fondo ad ogni cosa, venne in quel paese una grande carestia ed egli cominciò a mancare del necessario. Andò allora a servizio di uno degli abitanti del paese, che lo mandò nei suoi campi a badare ai porci. E bramava d’empire il ventre colle ghiande che mangiavano i porci, ma nessuno gliene dava. Allora rientrato in sé disse: “Quanti garzoni in casa di mio padre han pane in abbondanza, mentre io qui muoio di fame! M’alzerò, e andrò da mio padre.
Abbiamo ascoltato due letture molto significative. La prima riguarda vicenda di Giacobbe ed Esau. Giacobbe usa l’inganno per ottenere una benedizione dal padre Isacco.
Dio ci dice che noi siamo lenti, come figli della luce, a cercare la benedizione di Dio! Le preghiere ci possono aiutare per guadagnare il Paradiso.
Anche nel vangelo ci sono due fratelli e il minore carpisce dal padre una comunione di amore. Ma la gioia di Dio Padre e’ grande in cielo per ogni pentimento e ritorno a Dio!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico. Riferimenti: Gruppo FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/266287024711787 e Blog https://www.revelationvirgo.org/
(1) La Cappella dei Sacri Cuori e’ d’ora in avanti sotto la protezione della Madonna Pellegrina di Montichiari (Brescia, 1946).
Gen 27:6-40 So Rebekah said to her son Jacob, “I heard your father talking to your brother Esau and saying to him, ‘Bring me game, and make me a dish, that I may eat it, and bless you before God before I die.’ Now therefore, my son, heed my advice: Go to the flock and bring me two good kids, so that I can prepare dishes for your father to his liking and then, when you have brought them to him and he has eaten them, bless you before die”
Luke 15:11-32 At that time Jesus told the Pharisees and the scribes this parable: “A man had two sons, and the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of property.’ And he divided the estate among them. After a few days, having put everything together, the younger son emigrated to a distant country, and there squandered his own, living dissolutely. And when he had exhausted everything, a great famine arose in that country and he began to lack what was necessary. So he went to the service of one of the inhabitants of the country, who sent him to his fields to tend the pigs. And he longed to fill his belly with acorns which the pigs ate, but no one gave him any. Then, coming to his senses, he said: “How many shop assistants in my father’s house have bread in abundance, while here I am dying of hunger! I will get up and go to my father.
We have listened to two very significant readings. The story of Jacob and Esau. Jacob uses deception to get a blessing from his father Isaac. God tells us that we are not slow, as children of the light, to seek God’s blessing! Prayers can help us to gain Heaven. Also in the Gospel there are two brothers and the younger one steals a communion of love from his father. But the joy of God the Father is great in heaven for every repentance and return to God!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words. Refs.: FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/266287024711787 and Blog https://www.revelationvirgo.org/.
(1) The Chapel of the Sacred Hearts is from now on under the protection of the Pilgrim Madonna of Montichiari (Brescia, 1946).