The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I bear witness concerning it, that its works are evil.
ORARI S.MESSA DI MARTEDI 5 APRILE 2022, ORE 8.00 – Feria Tertia infra Hebdomadam Passionis ~ III. classis
Commemoratio: S. Vincentii Ferrerii Confessoris
e qui:
Ioann 7:1-13
In illo témpore: Ambulábat Iesus in Galilǽam, non enim volébat in Iudæam ambuláre, quia quærébant eum Iudæi interfícere. Erat autem in próximo dies festus Iudæórum, Scenopégia. Dixérunt autem ad eum fratres eius: Transi hinc, et vade in Iudæam, ut et discípuli tui vídeant ópera tua, quæ facis. Nemo quippe in occúlto quid facit, et quærit ipse in palam esse: si hæc facis, manifesta teipsum mundo. Neque enim fratres eius credébant in eum. Dixit ergo eis Iesus: Tempus meum nondum advénit: tempus autem vestrum semper est parátum. Non potest mundus odísse vos: me autem odit: quia ego testimónium perhíbeo de illo, quod ópera eius mala sunt. Vos ascéndite ad diem festum hunc, ego autem non ascéndo ad diem festum istum: quia meum tempus nondum implétum est. Hæc cum dixísset, ipse mansit in Galilæa. Ut autem ascendérunt fratres eius, tunc et ipse ascéndit ad diem festum non maniféste, sed quasi in occúlto. Iudæi ergo quærébant eum in die festo, et dicébant: Ubi est ille? Et murmur multum erat in turba de eo. Quidam enim dicébant: Quia bonus est. Alii autem dicébant: Non, sed sedúcit turbas. Nemo tamen palam loquebátur de illo, propter metum Iudæórum.
John 7:1-13
At that time, Jesus went about in Galilee, for He did not wish to go about in Judea because the Jews were seeking to put Him to death. Now the Jewish feast of Tabernacles was at hand. His brethren therefore said to Him, Leave here and go into Judea that Your disciples also may see the works that You do; for no one does a thing in secret if he wants to be publicly known. If You do these things, manifest yourself to the world. For not even His brethren believed in Him. Jesus therefore said to them, My time has not yet come, but your time is always at hand. The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I bear witness concerning it, that its works are evil. As for you, go up to the feast, but I do not go up to this feast, for My time is not yet fulfilled. When He had said these things He stayed on in Galilee. But as soon as His brethren had gone up to the feast, then He also went up, not publicly, but as it were privately. The Jews therefore were looking for Him at the feast, and were saying, Where is He? And there was much whispered comment among the crowd concerning Him. For some were saying, He is a good man. But others were saying, No, rather He seduces the crowd. Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly of Him.
Dan 14:27, 28-42
In quei giorni: i Babilonesi adunatisi contro il re gli dissero: «Dacci nelle mani Daniele, che ha distrutto il dio Bel e ci ha ucciso il dragone; altrimenti uccideremo te e la tua famiglia». Quando il re vide che lo assalivano con la violenza, costretto dalla necessità abbandonò loro Daniele. Ed essi lo gettarono nella fossa dei leoni, ove stette sei giorni.
Joann 7:1-13
In quel tempo Gesù percorreva la Galilea, non volendo andare per la Giudea, perché i Giudei cercavano di farlo morire. Ed era imminente la festa dei Tabernacoli. Gli dissero pertanto i suoi fratelli: «Parti di qua e vattene in Giudea, affinché anche quei discepoli tuoi vedano le opere da te fatte; ché certo nessuno il quale cerchi di essere acclamato in pubblico fa di nascosto le opere sue; e se fai tanto, fatti conoscere al mondo». Or nemmeno i suoi fratelli credevano in lui. Ma Gesù disse loro: «Non è ancora venuto il mio tempo; ma per voi è sempre tempo. Il mondo non può odiarvi, ma odia me, perché faccio vedere che le opere sue sono malvage.
Gesu non si reca apertamente alla festa della capanne a Gerusalemme. Non e’ infatti ancora giunta la sua ora. Gesu’ infatti compie solo le cose programmate da Dio Padre.
Gesu’ infatti e’ odiato dai capi del popolo ebraico, come dal mondo al nostro tempo. Questo perche ‘ dice la verita’.
Anche Daniele e’ scomodo per i babilonesi perche distrugge i loro idoli. Per questo viene messo nella fossa dei leoni per sei giorni (sono sette leoni lasciati a digiuno per sei giorni!). Ma ne esce indenne grazie alla protezione di Dio. Questo convince il re che il vero Dio e’ il Dio di Daniele.
Dobbiamo essere dunque pronti, come Daniele, a sopportare qualunque sacrificio per testimoniare il nostro Dio!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Dan 14:27, 28-42 In those days: the Babylonians gathered against the king and said to him: «Give us Daniel, who destroyed the god Bel and killed us the dragon; otherwise we will kill you and your family. ” When the king saw that they were attacking him with violence, forced by necessity he abandoned Daniel to them. And they threw him into the lions’ den, where he stayed six days.
Joann 7: 1-13 At that time Jesus was traveling through Galilee, not wanting to go to Judea, because the Jews were trying to put him to death. And the feast of Tabernacles was imminent. His brothers therefore said to him, “Leave here and go to Judea, so that those disciples of yours may also see the works you have done; for certainly no one who tries to be acclaimed in public secretly does his works; and if you do a lot, make yourself known to the world ». Even his brothers didn’t believe in him either. But Jesus said to them: «My time has not yet come; but it’s always time for you. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me, because I show that its works are evil.
Jesus does not openly go to the feast of booths in Jerusalem. In fact, his time has not yet come. Jesus does only the things planned by God the Father.
Indeed, Jesus is hated by the leaders of the Jewish people as by the world now. Because it tells the truth. Daniel too is uncomfortable for the Babylonians because he destroys their idols.
For this he is placed in the lions’ den (seven lions fasting for six days). But he comes out unscathed thanks to God’s protection. This convinces the king the true God and the God of Daniel.
We must therefore be ready, like Daniel, to endure any sacrifice to witness our God!
Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words