ORARI S.MESSA IN LATINO/TIMETABLE LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE – Ubi enim sunt duo vel tres congregáti in nómine meo, ibi sum in médio eórum – For where two or three are gathered together for My sake, there am I in the midst of them.

ORARI S.MESSA IN LATINO/TIMETABLE LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE DI MARTEDI 14 MARZO 2023 ORE 18.00: Feria Tertia infra … Leggi tutto ORARI S.MESSA IN LATINO/TIMETABLE LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE – Ubi enim sunt duo vel tres congregáti in nómine meo, ibi sum in médio eórum – For where two or three are gathered together for My sake, there am I in the midst of them.