S.MESSA IN LATINO/LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE: In illo témpore: Exiit edíctum a Cæsare Augústo, ut describerétur univérsus orbis. – At that time, there went forth a decree from Caesar Augustus that a census of the whole world should be taken.

ORARI S.MESSA IN LATINO/TIMETABLE LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE NATALE DI GESU’ – DOMENICA 24/12/2023 ORE 23.00: In Nativitate … Leggi tutto S.MESSA IN LATINO/LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE: In illo témpore: Exiit edíctum a Cæsare Augústo, ut describerétur univérsus orbis. – At that time, there went forth a decree from Caesar Augustus that a census of the whole world should be taken.