S.MESSA IN LATINO/LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE: In illo témpore: Ambulans Jesus juxta mare Galilǽæ, vidit duos fratres, Simónem, qui vocátur Petrus, et Andréam fratrem ejus, mitténtes rete in mare – At that time, as Jesus was walking by the sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea.

ORARI S.MESSA IN LATINO/TIMETABLE LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE GIOVEDI 30/11/2023 ORE 17.30: In Vigilia S. Andreæ Apostoli ~ … Leggi tutto S.MESSA IN LATINO/LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE: In illo témpore: Ambulans Jesus juxta mare Galilǽæ, vidit duos fratres, Simónem, qui vocátur Petrus, et Andréam fratrem ejus, mitténtes rete in mare – At that time, as Jesus was walking by the sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea.