S.MESSA IN LATINO/LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE:In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis: Cum audiéritis prœ́lia et seditiónes, nolíte terréri: opórtet primum hæc fíeri, sed nondum statim finis – At that time, Jesus said to His disciples, When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified; these things must first come to pass, but the end will not be at once.

ORARI S.MESSA IN LATINO/TIMETABLE LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE VENERDI 28/07/2023 ORE 18.00 Ss. Nazarii et Celsi Martyrum, Victoris … Leggi tutto S.MESSA IN LATINO/LATIN HOLY MASS ONLINE:In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis: Cum audiéritis prœ́lia et seditiónes, nolíte terréri: opórtet primum hæc fíeri, sed nondum statim finis – At that time, Jesus said to His disciples, When you hear of wars and insurrections, do not be terrified; these things must first come to pass, but the end will not be at once.