SANTA MESSA/HOLY MASS ONLINE – Dómine, salva nos, perímus. Et dicit eis Iesus: Quid tímidi estis, módicæ fídei? – Lord, save us! we are perishing! But He said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?

ORARI S.MESSA/TIMETABLE HOLY MASS DI DOMENICA 29 GENNAIO 2023 ORE 10.30: Dominica IV Post Epiphaniam ~ II. classis … Leggi tutto SANTA MESSA/HOLY MASS ONLINE – Dómine, salva nos, perímus. Et dicit eis Iesus: Quid tímidi estis, módicæ fídei? – Lord, save us! we are perishing! But He said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?